There were no transgender or non-binary characters counted in mainstream releases this year. In 2018, of the LGBTQ characters, there were 26 men and 19 women, compared to the 20 men and eight women of 2017’s major studio films. Men continue to outnumber women characters, though by a lesser margin than last year. There were zero transgender-inclusive films from the major studios in 2018, a finding consistent with the previous year. Bisexual representation remained steady at a low 15 percent (three films). Lesbian representation has increased significantly, up to 55 percent (11) of inclusive films featuring lesbians from 36 in 2017. Gay men appear in 55 percent (11) of inclusive films, a drop from last year’s 64 percent. This is the second highest percentage of inclusive films found in the seven-year history of this report, second to 18.4 percent of films (23 of 125) in 2016. This is a significant increase of 5.4 percent, and up six films from the previous year’s 12.8 percent (14 of 109 films).
Of the 110 films GLAAD counted from the major studios in 2018, 20 (18.2 percent) contained characters identified as LGBTQ.